Ultimate Twitch Mod Commands List [20+ Commands to Know]

Lindsay Hayes

Twitch has a bunch of mod commands for monitoring chats, like banning, kicking, or putting users in timeout. But they also have commands to make the chat more exclusive, like setting subscriber or follower only modes on.

If you're a Twitch moderator, you're probably trying your best to keep your chat safe. So, staying on top of all the commands that you can use is smart. I did this all the time when I first started streaming on Twitch, and it paid off because I was easily able to handle tricky situations.

If you'd like to learn more about the different Twitch mod commands out there, I've run through them, plus additional information on the topic.

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What Are the Different Twitch Mod Commands?

There's a wide range of Twitch commands for chat moderators, and I've run through them below. As you can imagine, these commands can also be used by channel creators.

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1. View User's Profile Card

In my opinion, the most important mod command has to be checking a user's profile card out. You'll see a full rundown on them, which will include the number of timeouts they've received, the number of bans that they've got, any private comments that other moderators might have made, and when their account was created.

Here's how you can go ahead and use this Twitch mod command:

2. Timeout Command (Timeout Username)

Timing a user out is a good way to keep them in check if they keep breaking rules. Essentially, you would mute them for a set amount of time, which can even be weeks.

Here's how you use the timeout command

In case you want to remove the timeout, you can use the unban chat feature. Here's what you do:

3. Restrict User

Restricting a user is another tool that you can use to manage bad behavior. Whenever a user that you've restricted sends a text, it'll not show up on the chat but only be sent to you, the other mods, and the streamer.

Here's the Twitch mod command to try:

To unrestrict someone, you can type and send /Unrestrict [Username]

4. Ban User

Instead of timing out or restricting, you can also ban a user if they're really bad. Although they still will be able to watch the stream, they won't be able to talk on the Twitch chat (unless the ban is revoked).

Here's how you can ban a specific user:

Just like you can use the unban command to revoke a timeout, you can also use it to revoke a ban.

5. Monitor

You can keep your eye out on an especially bad user with the Monitor command. You'll be sent all the chat logs from the user in your DM. Here's how you use it:

Once you're done with the monitoring, here's how you can disable the feature:

Man with Headsets Playing Games at Gaming Hub

6. Poll Command

In case you want to create a chat poll, there's a command that you can use. Just remember that you can only do this on an affiliate or partner's channel.

Here's what you type in:

When you want to end the poll, you can type in /Endpoll or /Deletepoll.

7. Pin Command

If there's an important message that you want the others in the chat to see, you can pin it. You'll stick the message at the top of the chat so that no one would miss it.

Here's what you do:

8. Announcement

Similar to pinning a message, you can also highlight it by using the announcement command. Here's how you use it:

9. Slow Chat (Slow Mode)

You can put a limit to how often users send messages. Personally, this is very useful when dealing with an active chat. Although the time limit is completely up to you, remember that you can only set up to 6 hours maximum.

Here's what you do:

Once the chat has calmed down, you might be wondering how you can disable the feature. All you have to do is type /Slowoff, and then click send.

10. Followers Only Mode

You can alter the Twitch chat so that only channel followers can send messages. While using this command, you can tweak it, and only allow users who have been following the chat for a set time to participate too.

Before you turn the followers only feature on, ask yourself whether this would be a good idea. You'd be forcing new viewers to follow you, which can turn them off. However, turning the mode on is a good tactic to minimize spam.

Here's how you use the command:

When you want to turn the feature off, here's the Twitch command to use:

Man with Headset Staring at the Computer Monitor

11. Subscribers Only Chat

Similar to the above, you can also turn subscribers only mode on. It'll be useful if you want to host an exclusive event only for subscribers.

Here's how you can change the chat so that only users who are subscribed can talk:

Once the event is over and you want to turn the special chat mode off, you can type in /Subscribersoff, and then click send.

12. Unique Chat Mode

You can also turn unique mode on. It's when you only allow "unique" messages on the chat. I know what you might be wondering - what exactly is a "unique" message? Well, it is any text that has at least 9 characters and no symbols. It's another tactic that you can try when you're dealing with a lot of spam.

Here's what you do:

Once you're done with the special mode, you can turn it off by doing the following:

13. Emote Only Chat

Emote only mode is a fun way to spice the chat up. With it turned on, users are only able to reply in emojis.

Personally, I think this command is a good way for streamers to build engagement, as it lets users be creative and also gives them a chance to spam.

Here's the Twitch command to use:

To turn the special mode off, you will have to enter in:

14. Clear Chat

If for whatever reason you want to clear the channel chat, this is something you can do. Just remember that it would clear the entire channel, all the way to the first message that was ever sent. However, some users with special browser add-ons might still be able to see the chat messages that you have deleted.

Here's how you use this command:

What Are Some Twitch Mod Commands for the Editor Role?

Apart from the above list, there are also commands that mods can use if they have the editor role, which is a special role that lets moderators access the chat's dashboard.

Once again, these Twitch commands aren't exclusive to mods as channel owners can use them too.

Man Playing Games with Gaming Keyboard and Mouse

1. Run Commercials

If you're a moderator on a Twitch partner or affiliate's channel, there's a command that will let you play commercials on streams. While using it, you can choose how long you'd want the commercials to be.

Here's a couple of examples of how you can use the commercial command:

2. Raid Out

Raiding out is one of my favorite channel moderator commands. It'll immediately send everyone in the chat to another user's stream. I think it's a good way to keep your audience entertained - they'll still be able to watch streams while your channel's stream is done.

Just be careful with the feature - Twitch has banned hate-raids, which is when you abuse the command to spam and troll other channels.

Here's what you do:

Make sure that you're sending the chat to a channel that is still streaming, as you might accidentally send them to someone who is almost done or even finished up.

Whenever you want, you can cancel the raid. Entering the /Unraid command disables it and sends you back to your streamer's channel.

3. Add a Stream Marker

There's a chat command that lets you add timestamps to streams. It's great for when you have to go back and review the stream, like when you're editing it for the channel's YouTube, Video on Demand, or cutting clips to put on social media.

Here's how moderators can use the stream marker function:

4. Host Channel

If you're a moderator for a Twitch Partner, you can combine your channel's stream with other streamers. To do this, you simply have to:

And if you ever want to stop streaming with the other channel, you can type in /Unhost.

5. Prediction

If you want to make your chat more interactive, the prediction command is a good place to start. You'll let your community gamble their channel points on a particular outcome that you've set. If they win, they'll get channel points, and if they lose, they'll get their channel points cut down.

The thing is, not all Twitch streamers can use this feature. You need to either be an affiliate or partner first.

Here's what you have to do:

What Are Some Twitch Commands for Streamers (Broadcasters) Only?

There are some Twitch commands that only channel owners can use, so let's talk about them.

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1. Appoint a Twitch Mod

Whenever streamers want, they can promote users to the moderator position. As you've seen in my article, users with the role have a lot of power, especially when given the editor role.

I'd advise you to think long and hard before you make someone moderator, as you need a user who really understands your channel culture, is loyal, and also follows the rules.

Here's how you can make someone a moderator:

In case you ever want to unmod someone, you can type in /unmod Username and click enter.

2. Give Away VIP Status

VIP roles are sought after, and streamers only give them away to their most loyal users. I've done a separate article on what VIP badges are, but they're basically exclusive badges that have a bunch of benefits. Like being able to bypass subscriber-only and follower only modes, and not being affected by timeouts either.

With the role, you'll be able to bypass subscriber-only and follower only modes, and not be affected by timeouts either.

Here's how you can give the VIP status away:

3. Shoutout a Viewer

If you want to shoutout another streamer, there is a command for this. All the viewers on the chat will see a blurb that will let them follow the channel that you mentioned.

Here's what you do:

What Are Some Twitch Commands for Regular Viewers?

There are also Twitch commands that general viewers can use. I thought about discussing them before moving on to the last part of my article. Yes, if mods or streamers want to, they can also use these commands.

Girl Sitting at Desk and Using Laptop

1. Show Channel Moderators List

On all Twitch channels, there's a special command that tells you who the chat moderators are. This Twitch moderator command is especially useful for newbie viewers, as they'll know who to speak to if they're ever having trouble.

Here's what you do:

2. Private Message Another User

If you ever want to private message another user, there's a command that will let you do this. No one else in the chat will be able to see what you sent, and the other user can reply back and start a conversation with you.

Here's what you do:

3. Change the Name Color

I regularly change my Twitch profile picture and my usercolor to go with it. If this is something that you also want to do, you simply have to:

Just keep in mind that there are limited colors available for regular users. Right now, they include:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • HotPink
  • YellowGreen
  • Chocolate
  • Coral
  • DodgerBlue
  • SpringGreen
  • OrangeRed
  • GoldenRod
  • CadetBlue
  • SeaGreen
  • BlueViolet
  • Firebrick

If you're not a fan of the above colors, you might like that Twitch Turbo users can change their names to custom colors. They have to follow the same command as above, but instead of the color name, they have to include a hex value.

Hex values are universal codes that represent colors and their different shades. You'll have to use a special color palette tool to figure a code that you like out, like through the Coolors tool.

4. Request

If you want to send in a request to the streamer, the Request command can help. But if there are multiple suggestions coming in, you will have to wait a while as your request will be queued.

Here's what you do:

5. At a User

You can direct message a user in the chat by @ing them. They'll be notified that you pinged them. Unlike private messaging them, all the other users in the chat would see what you've sent.


Man Sitting Front of His Desk with a Laptop, Keyboard and a Microphone

6. Gift a Subscription

There's a Twitch command that lets you buy subscriptions from a streamer.

Here's how you use it:

7. Vote

You can vote on chat polls through the Vote command. Here's how you can use it:

8. Disconnect From the Live Channel Chat

Instead of closing the browser tab, you can use the Disconnect command to leave the channel stream.

Here's what you have to do:

9. Message in Third Person

If you've seen users send fun, italicized texts in third-person, you might have wondered how they did this. I'm here to tell you that they used the Me command. All you have to do is:

10. Block Another User

If you're not a fan of another user, I wouldn't blame you for going ahead and blocking them. You won't get any texts from them, or see what they've sent on the channel chat anymore. It only takes a couple of seconds with the following command:

And to unblock anyone, you can send in the following command:

11. Show Channel VIPs

Just like there's a command for you to check all the moderators on the chat, there's also a command to check who its VIP users are. Like I said, users with VIP roles are extra special, as this badge isn't just given away, and also comes with a lot of perks.

Here's what you can do:

Laptop and Microphone on an Outdoor Setup

Do Twitch Channel Moderators Get Paid For Their Job?

Generally speaking, Twitch mods do not get paid. They are volunteers that are a fan of the streamer's content. To a lot of people, this doesn't matter, as it's an honor to be given the role.

But of course, there are a few exceptions to this. Some well-known Twitch partners have been known to pay their mods. After all, they run large chats, so their moderators have to do a lot of work. Ludwig probably is the best example. When he did a month long subathon, he paid his moderators almost $200,000 for their hard work.

As a moderator, you could of course offer side-tasks to the streamer and make money, like creating YouTube thumbnails, editing clips, and running their social media platforms.

Can Mods Make New Twitch Commands?

No, Twitch mods cannot make new Twitch commands. All of the commands that moderators use are official and made by the Twitch team themselves. So, they can't be edited, but nonetheless added to. If Twitch wants, they can add more mod commands for you to use. But as of right now, there is no news of this.

If you've seen a mod use a command that wasn't on my list, you might be thinking what I just said was not true. Well, they probably did use a new command, but not a Twitch one - they might have been using a chatbot, and used a custom command on it, like on Cloudbot.

Here's how you can use AutoBot:

Here's how you use CloudBot:

You can use these bots to even set commands that basic followers can use. One that I've personally set is the "!unsub" command. Whenever something unfunny happens on stream, a user can send the "!unsub" command, and a custom, joke message will come up saying that they have unsubscribed from the channel.

But at the end of the day, the exact process to set a custom command really depends on the bot you're using. You can check this tutorial video to learn more on what to do.


Answered below are some popular questions.

1. Why Are My Twitch Chat Commands Not Working?

There are a few different reasons why chat commands may not be working for you, and I've discussed how to fix them below.

1. Lack of Roles

I have to mention that you might be trying to use a chat command that you don't have the permission for, like one of the editor or broadcaster-specific commands. Unless you're given one of these roles, you won't have any luck.

2. Twitch Servers Being Down

If you can't use chat commands on a specific channel, I'd advise you to check whether Twitch's servers are down. If they are, there's nothing you can do to get them back up again, other than wait it out. Also, check social media. There'd be other users complaining about the same problem.

You can speak to the Twitch team if you're especially impatient. They should tell you when the problem would be sorted.

3. Autobot Being Down

Also, if you're trying to send commands to work a specific chatbot, like Nightbot, then the bot itself might be down. You'll have to check its social media to find out what its creators are saying. Just like with Twitch's servers being down, you might see a bunch of other users complain about this problem online.

4. Software Glitch

Of course, there's a chance that you're facing some kind of minor bug or glitch. There are a couple of different ways to fix this, from restarting your phone, updating the Twitch app, to upgrading your device operating system.

I would suggest restarting your device first. It most of the time takes care of the issue. This is true on both phones and computers.

But if the restart doesn't work, you will have to go ahead and force reboot. It's a more comprehensive restart method that works on both Androids and iPhones.

On Androids, you just long hold the Power button down for like 10 seconds. However, on iPhones, it gets a bit more complicated.

With the restarting out of the way, you can try updating your OS, and see whether this fixes the problem.

Here's how you can update an iPhone:

Here's how you can update Androids:

Here's how you can update Windows computers:

Here's how you can update Mac computers:

Read more resources

Final Thoughts

There are a bunch of different Twitch commands that mods can use, like clearing users' messages, timing out the chat, kicking users out of the chat, or even banning them. If you're a mod with the editor role, you unlock a couple of other commands too, like adding commercials to the stream.

On top of Twitch mod commands, I also discussed commands that broadcasters and regular viewers can use. Essentially, I ran through all the possible commands that any user can use.

Hopefully, you found all of the points that were run through useful - definitely write down all the Twitch commands that I mentioned to make it easier to memorize them.

Lindsay Hayes

Hi, I’m Lindsay, a techie from Kansas City. That’s right; I’m a born and bred Midwesterner. I learned to take electronics apart at my dad’s GameStop way back when, and I haven’t stopped since. I spend most of my time checking out new gadgets.
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