Does Chime Work With Venmo? Ultimate Guide

Lindsay Hayes

If you're wondering whether Chime works with Venmo, the answer is yes. They're both popular payment services, so this should come as no surprise.

I've been a Chime user for as long as I can remember, and my sister uses Venmo as her main payment method. So, when I had to make transfers to her, I had no problem doing so.

I have looked at how Chime works with Venmo while discussing how you can link the Chime debit card to your Venmo app. You can also make instant transfers between them.


Does Chime Work With Venmo?

Chime is a major financial service owned by Bancorp bank. It allows you to send and receive payments from various payment apps, which includes Venmo.

Venmo, on the other hand, is a subsidiary of the payment giant, PayPal. So, it also works with different payment services, like Chime.

Person Making Online Payment Using Debit Card

How Do You Link Chime to Venmo?

There are two ways to link Chime to Venmo. The first is through your Chime debit card, while the other is through your Chime bank account.

I've taken a look at how to do these below.

Let's get to it.

1. Chime Debit Card

Just follow these easy steps to link your Chime debit card to Venmo:

2. Chime Bank Account

Linking your Chime bank account details is easy.

Here's how:

How Do I Transfer Money From Chime to Venmo?

Once you've linked your Chime debit or bank account to Venmo, you will be able to transfer funds back and forth whenever you want.

To transfer money from Chime to your Venmo account:

To transfer money from Venmo to Chime:

Friends Transferring Money Through Smartphone

Are There Any Fees for Using Venmo With Chime Bank Account?

There are some fees that you'll have to pay when using Chime with Venmo. However, they're pretty standard. They include:

How Long Does Venmo Funds Take to Transfer to Chime?

This depends on the money transfer option that you chose. If you choose an instant transfer, you can expect your cash to be in your Chime account immediately.

However, if you chose the standard money transfer method, it will take around 1-3 business days for your money to go through.

Is It Safe to Link Venmo to Chime Checking Account?

It's perfectly safe to link Chime debit card and bank accounts with Venmo. Remember that Venmo isn't just any payment app. It's a subsidiary of PayPal, which is a major name in the game. Venmo has stated how secure their services are. So, you have nothing to worry about.

What Do You Do if You Have Problems Using Venmo With Your Chime Account?

If you're having trouble transferring money between Venmo and Chime, there could be a number of reasons for this. Usually, it's due to minor software glitches. Try turning your phone off and on again. Or, go ahead and do a force restart.

On Androids, you can long-hold the Power button for several seconds to force restart. However, it's more complicated on iPhones.

To force-reboot the iPhone 8 and later models, as well as the SE 2 and 3:

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus:

iPhone 6, 6S and SE (1st gen):

Of course, you can try updating your software. This will get rid of any bugs that may be causing the problem.

To update iOS:

To update Android:

If the above fixes didn't work, you can try contacting the Venmo customer support team, as well as the Chime app support team. These online financial technology services may be down due to internal issues.

Mobile Money Transfer Using Banking App


Answered below are some popular questions.

Does Chime Work With Cash App?

Yes, Chime does work with Cash app. It's another popular payment app as well. You can either link your Chime card or bank account to Cash app and use it.

Read more resources

Final Thoughts

Chime does work with Venmo. They are two of the most popular transfer apps on the market.

You can either link your Chime debit card or bank account to Venmo and be able to send money to and fro easily.

I also discussed whether there are any fees charged on your linked Chime debit card when sending money from Venmo.

Hopefully, you found all the points mentioned useful.

Lindsay Hayes

Hi, I’m Lindsay, a techie from Kansas City. That’s right; I’m a born and bred Midwesterner. I learned to take electronics apart at my dad’s GameStop way back when, and I haven’t stopped since. I spend most of my time checking out new gadgets.
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